Significant Aspects To Know About Floodgates


The floodgates are not only beneficial to us but also are a saviour as they restrict the acidic rain water to enter the river and damage our lives. During heavy floods and waterlogs, these floodgates become very useful as the river water is also restricted to enter the drain and increase the chances of floods.
There are various structures of floodgates and they are of many types and designs. According to their nature, they offer advantages and their own disadvantages. In this blog let us know about various types of floodgates.

Various types of floodgates

    • Tidal Floodgates– these floodgates have an aperture and also they have another floodgate which opens during every tide. During the tides, the gates do open and the water from the both sides mix and gets exchanged. There is a floating arm which opens and helps in the process. The floating arms work great as they can be easily adjusted and this controls the level of water very well. It has an advantage of being opened automatically with the tides. It opens during the low tides and closes down during the higher ones.

    • Sluice Gates- these also have an aperture and a cover of sliding plate which can be opened at various angles. The design of the opening can vary and these floodgates are very versatile in nature. It is generally of low cost and the maintenance of these gates is also very easy. The water can also be controlled very easily as these gates can be adjusted angularly according to the flow of water.

    • Winch Gates- it generally has a winch and a cable mechanism which uplifts the gate when it needs to be opened. These can move horizontally and also vertically. The winch gates for floodswhich can be moved horizontally have a moderate water control level and the vertical ones have good water control capacity. The problem is that these gates require manual operation.

How to choose the right design for floodgates?

The selection of the floodgates highly depends on the drainage system present there and also the management that can be done. An assessment is needed to decide which gate is perfect to not let the acid water mix with the river water as it can harm the fishes. Help of various organisations can also be taken for the most efficient selection of the gate for the best results.


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